Pain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women have a significant change in both physiologically and psychologically. Back pain and foot pain are not uncommon conditions to be seen on them. If joint is pain or inflamed during pregnancy and without a proper treatment, the discomfort will still remain after childbirth.

Common affected area:


  • Avoid bending
  • Rest for 5 minutes after one hour of prolonged standing
  • Put pillow, cushion pad under the knee when standing/sitting
  • Wearing a soft shoes or flat shoes
  • Avoid tight gripping and overuse of the wrist
  • Pay attention to the movements that cause pain
  • Orthotics can correct joint subluxation and to prevent bone spurs.
  • physiotherapist will utilize natural, effective health care treatments to help pregnant women to have a painless pregnancy period. Treatment will include heatultrasound to increase blood circulation and relax the muscles of the affected area


Our physiotherapist will teach you a correct posture to stand and sit and ensure you are aware of the posturing positions that may contribute to your spinal degeneration. In some cases modalities such as iceheatultrasound,traction may be used to ease your pain or other related symptoms. Most patient feels immediate relieved after the physiotherapy adjustment. Using a proper pillow and exercise regularly can help to decrease pain, inflammation, and prevent spine to be further degenerate.